Salam..sudah lama saya tidak menulis di sini..tersangat amat sibuk dengan urusan kerja dan urusan di rumah..last weekend mesin singer kepala hitam saya rosak..cukup setahun beli ini kali kedua dia wat hal..bkn ape, jahitan bawah jadi tak kemas dan benang berserabut..saya tatau kenapa. Susah hati saya sebab ada bnyk lagi tempahan taksempat nak buat..ada jugak bnyk projek yg saya teringin sangat nak wat yg mana saya akan listkan kat bawah ni, bukan ape, untuk menjadi perangsang kepada saya untuk tidak give up dan terus improve!
Nak dijadikan cerita, malam tadi saya kemas mesin singer untuk my hubby senang angkat pagi nanti untuk dihantar ke kedai balik dari kerja nanti. Saya pun terpanggil untuk sekali lagi godek2 mesin sepupu saya yang sudah lama tersimpan and she never used it. She got it for free couple years ago when she bought something, I can't really recall. Japanese brand, Naka.. ape tah..ehehe When I took it before I was trying hard to use it, it never happened because I never used any other machine except Singer brand. So, last night, the time has come. Without manual book, I tried to follow the one and only picture on the machine itself, alhamdulillah I manage to get it work! Although it's a bit slow, but I managed to try out some of the sewing patterns. Ada berbelas2 jenis jahitan which I could not really remember. And I believe, with some more practice, I can use the machine as good as a machine that I ever wanted! Alhamdulillah, syukur tidak terhingga. (terkubur sekejap niat nak beli machine brother..ehe, sekejap okei!).
So, saya pun mula berangan semua menda yg saya mmg teringin nak jahit as follows:-
On top of all, i definitely have to finish all the orders first :)
1. Dress for Tasnim (I bought the suitable fabric already)
2. Skirt for tasnim, especially pleated skirt as kak Maya buat, cannot resist! (I'm thinking of combining polka dots and stripes, we'll see ya?)
3. Felt applique for a baby romper, to be given to a friend of mine who just gave birth
4. Damia Makeup Pouch -new product for TinyTini Collection (made one before, but grabbed already, forgot to take picture)
5. More & more Damia Pouch/Wristlet for ready stocks
6. More & more Damia & Tiny Tote Bags for ready stocks
7. Pot holders for my own house ( I badly need to replace the old one)
8. My 6 pieces cushion covers
9. My Refrigerator top cover with pockets
10. My kitchen towels ( I badly need to replace the old one)
If I keep writing, the list will go until the next day, so I'll leave it up till here first. We'll so I can I reach the stage..ehehe..go tini go!
Well, anda pun boleh berangan, jom! :P