Monday, January 25, 2010
Actually, I've made this about one month a go, just got time to take pictures and publish it now. The reason I made it quite in a sloping position because I might hang it on the wall or I can just put on the table. I got this idea from my dad as he did one for my mom when I was in primary school. But I did much better ;P *wink-wink* because I have the green ballons fabrics!! My hubby was surprised because I could use the hammer very well! haha..you better be careful with me! HAHA.. (extra notes: I use wood, heavy canvas cotton and nails, maximum of 30 nails, email me if you're interested, limited stock and good price for crafters with FREE SHIPPING)

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menariknyaaaaaa idea awak ni...
boleh dikomersialkan ni..
kat malaysia susah nak jumpa organizer macam ni..
tahniah tahniah :)
thanks..tula..teringat abah pernah wat dulu2 masa kecik2..so ape lagi..terlopong my hubby tengok tukang jahit tiba2 jd tukang rumah..ehehe
mesti personaliti perintis ni..kalau lahir bulan mei, jun..memang perintis..bulan mei or jun?kreatiph metiph
eheh..afiti ni tau aje yer..akak 17 Mei 1983..ehehe..
sbb duk kaji manusia..so agak2 jer la..kiranya kategori perintis la ni..act, sy 12 mei..haha..sbb tu main2 agak bdsrkan pmhmn diri..huhu..kununnyaa..
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