Actually 17th May 2010 was my 27th birthday. I feel so old already. But Alhamdulillah, I’ve got almost everything that I ever wanted. I just had a great lunch on the 17th. (eventhough had to cancel lunch date with hubby, thanks dear for the beriyani and kebab). Cake time is postponed to June.Anyway, as to appreciate all my readers, I would like do my second give away in a short time, for all of you out there, my friends, crafters, bloghoppers and anyone who would like to join. So stay tune. Not to late to enjoy my latest pictures. Took last night, I was the secretariat cum emcee. I don't think I ever posted my picture before. I have put a lot of weight! GEMOKK ok!
Anyway, I rarely talk about my personal life, now it is just a lil bit of it. Looking at these pictures and thinking of my busy working life, a mom of a pair, can you imagine how do I do sewing & crafting?ASK ME HOW??? ehehe.
huhuh...sibuknyer working mama nie.samer lor...err..ibtisamfarah?or farah.nampak vogue berucap.he he he
ehe..bkn berucap, tp jadi emcee jemput minister berucap je..ehehe..boleh panggil saya tini..ibtisamfarah nama pena je..ihiks nama pena, macam penulis je..ehehe
ooo..nama pena rupenyer penulis.bolehla tue.he he he. saya still tak dpt menjahit kain2 yg beli dgn tini, sibuk teramat sangat.uuu..tiap2 hr jenguk kain..rindunyer tp tgh sibuk dgn felt toys. siti mane ek? siti arvina ke? confuse..tini pun bz nak menjahit pun macam kura2 je..
uiks...a'a..siti arvina nie aa..kui2.yg duk gilor membeli kain dgn tini jek.he he he.aii..sibuk2..tunggu la kain, tunggu ekkk..kui2.
siti da pos da kain yg terbaru tu..nanti bgla link blog awak plak ek..
baru nampak rupe cik tini kita .. uih .. nampak cam gareang jer .. jadi cikgu best nih ... ahaks ...
ehehe..cik as..yer ke garang..first time orang ckp garang..huhuhu..
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