As I've posted earlier, last saturday was Fahmi's sports day. It was a combination of 4 Little Caliphs Kindergartens around Bangi. Fahmi's school is in purple. So, everyone including the parents should dress up in Purple. Let's check it out!
Everyone had to be in own line and started with easy exercise and movement. Can you spot Fahmi in the lines? Wearing a purple cap..well everyone did..hmm..which one is Fahmi?

Hmm..still cannot spot him huh?

OMG, was he the one that the teacher was carrying? Oh no..and apparently not him..

Hard to spot now, the image is now smaller..

Taraaaa...there you go..he was not even in the lines, he did not play anything and he didn't even bother what everyone was doing..haha..spoiled ler..and we we noticed the purple team was getting lesser & lesser..not only Fahmi, some others also did not really cooperate. Maybe because they noticed their parents were around and nothing would be the best thing than being with parents, right? But his school got no.2, not bad huh?

Then Fahmi went jalan-jalan with her lil sister..Tasnim..look! she was wearing purple too! smiling with her lil tiger..

posing with adik..

elele..pandai plak papa ajar posing..mama tgh menjual kat bazar time ni..

abang tired la adik..baring kejaplah..ishh abang ni..

adik pun join skali usual, she would follow abang..

ok2, tukar posisi plak..

papa, ada flower colour purple!

muka budak malas pakai kasut, tanak jalan..ended up papa dokong dua2..

We made this that morning..thanks hubby for creating this..

barang2 agak tunggang langgang selepas digodek2 sambutan agak menggalakkan, alhamdulillah..thanks to nampak tak ada brown box tu?apa dalam tu?

designer cotton, saje je bawak, tp tak sangka ada orang beli gak..alhamdulillah..

duk skali dgn Kak Jue & adiknya dari Alimrans & Love Fabrics

We went back home in the afternoon. The kids slept soundly & both of us so exhausted until we missed a friend's birthday party for her 1yo son. .harini pun ponat lagi..huhu~~
congrates tini!
moga makin banyak laa bazaar yg bakal disertai yer...
ur little girl sgt pandai posing,cute!
congrates tini!
moga makin banyak laa bazaar yg bakal disertai yer...
ur little girl sgt pandai posing,cute!
ehehe, thanks fith..tataula boleh join lagi ke tak lenkali sbb budak2 ni makin ligat ni..ehehe
wow banyak stok tini yer.. rajin betul.. kalau akak masuk bazaar camni.. ader ler 2 3 ketul handphone pouch jer kut wakakaka
eheh, tini pun sket je..yg kain2 ikea tu kak jue alimrans punya..bila ada time takmenang tangan tu yg main sangkut je..ehehe..seronok join bazar tp penat lah sbb mostly berdiri jerla..dan mulut tak boleh berenti jawab soklan customers..diorang ada yg macam pelik bila kita cakap jahit sendiri..dia ingat amik dgn orang lain..
tini, aku dah agak dah mu takleh mai sbb ada bazar ni. sbb aku bace kat fb or tinicraft tu. takpelah... nanti kite jmp. btw, thanks for the gift. buley awisy pakai kat UK nanti. Insyaallah.
aku beli yg besar sket doh rasanya sbb awisy besar..ehehe..kat uk bnyk lagi baju bila gi?
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