Ok, let's go back to the orders. 1,000 pcs with more than 50 different fabrics pattern. It was picked up last night, alhamdulillah for the support from my customer in Shah Alam. It happened to be the customer is originally also from Kelantan (my kampung), and her brother lives in the same area where I'm staying now. Allah made it easy for me, alhamdulillah. So, I did not have to go all the way to Shah Alam to deliver to her. Alhamdulillah. But I did not get a chance to take nice shots of the tissue holders pictures.. (I don't think that I ever had one..haha).
By finishing this order, I've to start finishing my half way done Tasnim's baju kurung. Then I can focus on continuing my 'biskut raya'. Only one type done! (slow sket..ehehe). I've left about 7-8 pcs bags to be done after raya. Thanks dear Maryam & K.Azilah for your patience.
Thanks for your time!
kalau akak boleh fengsan nak siapkan 1k pieces tuh hahahah
alhamdulillah.. dengar nak buat 1000 tu pun dah ketaq. Good Job!!
kak mila, tini pun hampir2 nakpengsan gak sebenarnya, ditambah plak dugaan yang tak dijangka..tp ada hikmahnya lah..bila jaga suami kat umah tu ada dapat curi2 masa masik bilik jahit gak..ehehe
kak haida..alhamdulillah..mula2 tu saya pun macam tanak tp sian plak kakak tu, dia kat kenal saya da lama..saya je blom kenal dia..nasib baik tissue holder je, kalo beg mmg takmampu den..ehehe
wahhh besarnya order tu....
Noen:haha,berhempas pulas tu..
Kak Aya:order je besar..hihi.
wah hebatnya siapkan tempahan besar dlm ms singkat..TAHNIAH! Keep it up.=)
p/s:kain cotton tu ada lg x yg available utk dibeli?
Liza, alhamdulillah dgn kudrat yg Allah berikan..
kain ada lagi, boleh tengok kat tinicraft.blogspot.com
Thanks dear
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